Sunday, April 12, 2015


Well, Day 4 of Spring Break was scheduled to go to the carnival in town but got filled up with life. Most everyone (except mom) slept in.  I woke up with a horrible headache and congestion in my head. So I wasn't sure if the carnival was going to happen or not.  I ended up loading up on essential oils and Duane gave me a dose of antibiotics ( as I had fought this about two earlier)  and laying down because I was in misery. I woke up with Graham asking me what time his haircut was!  Right now!  Chelsea, Graham's sweet girlfriend had scheduled it with her grandmother. We were a few minutes late as the the dude and I both had slept in. It drives this mama crazy that this child always sleeps to the last minute for everything! Then acts like, "What?"  
Thankfully, when we arrived, she was still with another client and we had to wait a few minutes.
With my haired life of a crisis and stress popping up whenever it wants to, no matter what you have planned, it was kinda of a good breather for me as I got a little break in a quiet mom and pop salon.
Graham's new haircut.
God can meet you anywhere, He's always around if we stop and take a moment to notice and be aware. Right there in that salon, he met me. sitting there in my own little corner, I was thinking of some things I wanted to accomplish this spring and summer, I wondered how we would be able to do it. I had been a little discouraged here and there. Some of my dreams were big and necessary. Some were just to add some fun, beauty, stability and rest to our family. Inwardly, I was sighing, just when we would think we are getting ahead a little, whether it was financial, mental, emotional or physical, it has seemed like another mountain would appear and another struggle for health or wellbeing would be at hand. It seems like we have been in battle for years now, contending for certain victories in our lives. 
But in that moment of wondering how some things were going to come together, I looked over to a product shelf and there was a word of encouragement straight from Heaven. Tucked behind a couple of rows of products, sat a little plaque. It was old, covered in hairspray and dust but it had life giving words on it.  "Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers." 3 John 1:2 I stored that nugget away in my brain to look at later but got busy. 

Then again today, 3 days later, our pastor read from that same passage. I know that God is sending me messages of hope. A love note to his beloved (me) that He plans for me and my family to be prosperous in all things in body, mind and soul. 

Chelsea's grandmother got Graham looking all good and then wouldn't let us pay for it! 

Since our pantry and fridge were pretty much completely empty, we headed to the store to buy 2 buggies full of food. That is always a task in this family but we did it fairly quickly. (in under 2 hours) Grocery shopping is my least favorite thing to do so I was very glad to get that chore over with. 

By the time we got home, it was late afternoon and I again put my head down on my pillow I was never so happy to see my essential oil order show up at my door. I quickly opened it to get my Protective Blend  Softgels and the Respiratory Blend.  Boy, was I ever glad to see those two essential oil products! We had been out of them for over a week! 

 Well, it was time to get dinner far too soon and I got up to get the boys assigned to cook going on dinner. 

To make up for not making it to the carnival, I pulled up a movie on Netflix for the kids to watch.  I ended up going to bed rather early, praying I would feel better when I woke up!   

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