Sunday, February 21, 2010

August 4, 2009- More about Visas

So back to the story of the visas.

I started at 7:45 in the morning, yesterday on Monday trying to call the Embassy and after several tries throughout the morning I finally got through to someone and they asked me to call back at noon. I did only to find out that the consul had gotten sick and had to go home and had forgotten about my appointment. The receptionist tried to see if another officer could help me but after explaining our situation, he decided we needed to reschedule our appointment for the next day.

They told me to come in at noon.

Oh well, I thought, it will just give it another day to be in the computer system.

Today, Tuesday, I woke up to Isaiah planting kisses all over my face at 6:45 in the morning. I groaned at him and rolled over only to have him toss his shorts in my face and say "Gendeigh, mama." Which means, "Let's go! mama" I rolled over again and groaned and he laughed. I smiled and he took that as a " hey she's awake, lets get going!"

So started our day. I am not a morning person and so I was not ready to get out of bed, Isaiah got out of bed and started messing around in our room as there are plenty of things to explore.

Finally I was forced to get up and get ready. I had decided to wait until close to 10 to try to call the Embassy. I got through and asked to confirm our appointment. I told the lady that I was staying about an hour outside of Kampala and so was trying to confirm our appointment whether we needed to come in or not. She took my number so the consulate could return my call. By 11:15am, they had not called but our driver came and I decided to go on in. We got almost in to the Embassy(about 40 minutes) and my phone rang. It was the Embassy calling to tell me that my approval was not in the system and so there was no need to come in. The consul was very nice and asked me to call the states and find out why it had not been uploaded already.

Disappointed, I told Charles to turn a round and take us back to Seguku. Andrew was very disappointed and you could tell he was upset.

Later that day, The consul called me back and asked me for info on our USCIS district office as she had the State Dept. National Visa Center looking into why the approval was not registered yet.

I must admit, I was pretty bummed out and had to have a debriefing session with God and in the end, I still have HOPE that God is working all things for our good. I want to dance on the chains of these circumstances but as I told Duane later, I was having a hard time finding the beat!

I had to rest on what He has been teaching me, -- though the storm waves rise, I need to keep my eyes on Jesus the One who is my Redeemer. On my Facebook I placed a note about "IF YOU WANT TO WALK ON WATER, YOU'VE GOT TO GET OUT OF THE BOAT". Well, I jumped out of the boat and am walking on the water now, I just don't want to sink. I want to walk with Jesus and that requires total trust and Faith in Him, I have to be making eye contact with Him. So I deliberately decided to do that.

My disappointment and frustration today did open up a door to talk to a friend about some trials he was facing in his life and I was able to say, "Hey friend, Don't blame God, it is the enemy who is working against you. God means to do good for you. Sometimes we can't see the big picture, we think He is hurting us and not coming through for us but in reality, he is thwarting the enemy and actually doing better things for us than we have even planned for ourselves. God is faithful and will provide when it is time.

So that is a good thing that happened today.

Well, I better get to bed. Once again I have stayed up too late. Still hoping to have good news tomorrow. I put this on my Facebook:

H- Holding

O - Onto the

P- Promises of my

E- Everloving Father

I placed this on my August 4 FB status:

Melissa Ammons Carter is VERY disappointed! Embassy called while I was on my way and said There was no approval yet in their computer system. I was told it was done on Friday in the States. So back home we came. Just hanging on to God right now. He is Faithful and good!

Several friends wrote back which greatly encouraged me:

****At a time like this you don't want to laugh...but joy and laughter is a form of worship!! What you recognize you empower...remember where to focus! :)

***HE'S holding on to YOU!! someone told me once.. when there's nothing the enemy can do to stop what God has "set in stone" to be accomplished.. all the devil can try to do is hinder..HAHAHAHA!!!! I can relate with Ms. L's answer!! I've begun to laugh in His triumphant victory knowing He's got it covered!! waahooooooo!!!

***Darlene and I speak release for you. Enough of this is enough and may what God has put in your heart be fulfilled.

***Let's all pray for Melissa and Maggie and kids and for the system to work here and there and coordinate and get working for His purposes---get this family back home!! Amen

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