Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Waiting in Uganda -March 8

Waiting in uganda!

Hello, Everyone. I am down at the missionaries house and he has internet so i am dropping a word. I AM STILL HERE! I will go Monday and change my tickets. I had hoped I would be home by Easter but it is not looking like it. Please continue to pray for us. My spirits go up and down. Please continue for breakthrough on the passports. We are all doing fine and Mukisa is doing awesome! he has put on weight and took a step holding on! I have only had him 2 weeks. Sleep comes on rare basis and I have been sick with stomach quite often so am feeling tired. Today God blessed me through the missionary Brenda as she arranged for a babysitter and we had a girls day out! It was a much needed break. It really lifted my spirits! My love and thanks goes to you to all of you praying on our behalf. I know God is faithful and His plans are always perfect. Pray for strength in HiM and healing. Also pray for Duane, he is in the bed with his back and can't walk! Holding on to HIM very tightly! Melissa

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