Monday, April 6, 2015


Gardening itch is in the air! I was up at Lowes the other day and saw rows and rows of plants ready for the garden! I'm no gardener! My many attempts have produced rarely anything. We still laugh about my ambitious gardening one year where I got a whole crop of 1 golf ball sized green pepper, and about 4 cherry tomatoes. The thought of digging in the dirt, getting them planted and then having to find the time to water it EVERY day in my busy life just didn't appeal to me. 
I REALLY do WANT to have that Garden though. I can still remember sitting at my great grandma Ammons kitchen table and biting into the yummiest of tomatoes. To this day its why I've always wanted a garden. To create those yummy homegrown goodness memories with my family! 

I am so happy, I learned about The TOWER GARDEN by Juice Plus. We have already eaten Lettuce and Spinach off of ours and It is only the beginning of April! We have several Zucchini growing! We love our 1 tower so much, we are getting 3 more! 

With the drought in California where watering is limited for us, knowing I am using 90% less water and barely using electricity in my garden plus my veggies are better than organic, and that I can actually feed my family high nutrient food better than the grocery or farmer's market and afford it is enough to say "Why yes, I'll be a gardener, if you put it that way!" Check out this video about the Tower Garden. Its the way to Urban Garden. Watch it NOW and contact me to get yours on that UPS truck.

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