Monday, March 5, 2012


I am probably going to get into trouble for posting this on my blog but  this is life in our house!!  
Duane snapped these shots and we both got to laughing at the hilariousness of it all. 
Let me tell you the story! 
I was busily doing my work the other morning getting quotes sent off to various people inquiring about our vacation home, when I hear Duane say, "Well, you just couldn't wait for THUNDER DOWN UNDER!"
I look up and Isaiah had positioned these GI Joes on the table in front of my computer.  
 What makes this funny is that the other day, I was researching what shows we might could go to when we go to LasVegas this month to see Duane's sister and I came up on a very manly show called Thunder from Down Under and told Duane (jokingly of course) that  that was the one I wanted to see!
 (I didnt even know these dudes could stand up!)  They have been passed down through 4 boys and I guess they lost their clothes along the way!

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