Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Going to Church Here in the Village

Going to church here in the village

Sunday, Jan. 27 - Going to church here in the village

The church here in the village is located on the campus of the college here. (Remember, we about fell on it, yesterday) As we said before we are on a big hill. The church is below us and so we would have to hike down to get to it. They have 2 services, one in English and one in Luganda. We chose the English one. It started at 8am-10am. Ugh!
We woke up to heavy rains and no one on campus was stirring. It was rather cool. Here you could compare it to having a big snow storm at an unexpected time of the year. We still got ready and around 8 headed down there after we saw one girl walking that way. We got our rain jackets and headed out. (Please note that it is RED dirt around here and when it rains, it becomes slippery red mud! ) We had to hike DOWN this with no cement steps! So off we went. When we got to the steep part that we had to hike down, some tips I had learned while hiking in Alaska, came to mind and I showed Jana how to go down side to side. We safely made it down and when we got to the church, there was hardly anybody there. We were ushered to the second row and the service began. The praise and worship team was beautifully dressed in black and silver and sounded awesome. Praise and worship lasted about 1 hour and it was great. A man prayed/preached about 25 minutes(was really good), there were announcements and a special song. All the visitors were asked to come up and tell who they were and a little about themselves. So, Me, Jana, and this other Ugandan lady from England did that. I told them that I grew up in West Africa and that I was there to make two Ugandan children my own. The visiting pastor then preached a really good message about God's Faithfulness. It was really good. Church ended about 1 hour late with one coming to know Jesus. It was good.
We talked with the preacher afterwards and found out that he had been to Pensecola, FL and preached in a church where Jana knew some people. He has written a book about things that happened in Uganda, The name slips my mind at the moment, but I will post it later. You can buy it on We then met the Ugandan lady from England and she told us that she was here for a week and had just bought property to build a home for orphans. We told her about our new ministry O.R.P.H.A.N. (Offering Respite, Peace, and Hope Among the Neglected) and so we exchanged contact information. We believe God crossed our pathways. It is so
amazing to me that God takes 3 people from different areas of the world and arranges them to meet in another part of his world!!!
The rain stopped for a few minutes after church and we started back up to our house zig zagging back and forth. We were both overcome with tiredness and sleepiness and we decided to lay down until lunchtime at 12:30. I woke up to banging on the door and there stood Esther! Yikes! It was 2pm! She had gotten worried about us and hiked down the hill to see if we were ok.
Man, did we feel bad. We apologized up and down and told her that we were coming. We hiked up the hill, ate lunch, and told Esther we wouldn't need supper, or breakfast and lunch on Monday. She was thrilled and said, "OK! I will disappear!"
John has us lined up to leave very early to make sure that we are at court on time (early) :) We love that guy! He takes such good care of us. Good news! Everyone that is supposed to testify in court on behalf has arrived in Kampala and are in fair health. Thank You Jesus! We will see Allen and Andrew tomorrow morning and I will become a mom once again!
I feel the labor pains!!!!!!!!

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