Friday, November 12, 2010

News Update

News from the Carters 2010
Hi everyone,
The Carter household is busy to say the least but I wanted to share a little bit of what was going on in our lives. I haven't had much time to blog and really want to get caught up on that but it will come later.
The kids are doing great.
As most of you hopefully got the previous email, you saw that Andrew, Allenni, Eli and Isaiah's adoptions are getting finalized Stateside after almost a year of pursuing it. Though Eli came in on a different visa and is automatically a US citizen, we still had not finalized his adoption in the States. The others will officially become US Citizens and receive the Carter name.
It is just in time to celebrate National Adoption month!

Ndenjeye Andrew will become Mukisa Andrew Josiah Carter meaning ,The Blessed Warrior whom the Lord Saves.

Mbabazi Allen will become Mbabazi Allenni KaraBeth Carter meaning The Rock Solid Place where Grace, Mercy and Laughter Flow.

Mukisa Trevor will become Mukisa Moses Isaiah Carter meaning The Blessed Leader who will Draw People to the God of Salvation.

Eli who was previously Dang Ji Min, will be Eli Chapman Zhao-Kai Carter meaning The Lord is my God and Morning Song of Triumph.

Needless to say we re excited and see this as a wonderful completion to the Faithfulness of God! God our Father has once again set some lonely children in a family. We are honored to be that family.
In honor of Adoption/ Orphan Awareness month, I created a video and I would love it if you would watch it and repost the link to your friends and family. Here is the link
"Your Child"
Maggie and Seora returned from Thailand in September and so I want to say thanks to those of you that prayed for them and helped them financially. Though a great experience, I think they are glad to be home.
Not much is happening with Nathaniel and Ben. Ben is a great help to me and loves to drive the van. I braved it and let him drive me back and forth to Chattanooga last week. He did really great. I think he might get his license next week!
We have had a friend, living with us in our guest house since this summer and we are loving it! Song has been a wonderful addition to the family and we call her our own. The kids all love her and if she is absent, they ask, "Where's Song?" We will be so excited when she graduates College this December! We might have to have her take the Carter name as well! : I might have to change the name of my blog to One Egg More Made a Dozen!
School for the kids is going well. I no longer homeschool any of them! Even Isaiah goes to preschool 3 days a week and loves it.
You'd think I would have all this free time right? Not yet!
Currently, The four older kids are taking a class at a community college to prepare them for the work place and so I drive them 3 days a week to the class which takes about 2 hours of my day and then rush back to get Isaiah out of school. Whew! I also have been teaching the older ones to drive and am hoping that a couple of them can get their license soon. That will help for sure.
I've also been taking the kids around looking for jobs and am PRAYING that they will get one soon! :)
I have been able to paint some on those days that Isaiah is in school and hope to squeeze some more painting in in the near future.

Check out my website which I have been trying to revamp and see some of my new paintings.
here is the link

Help raise some money for some orphans this Christmas by buying some of my Christmas ornaments at

I have exciting doors opening with my art and writing and hopefully within the next few months I can share more info about all that.
Duane is doing well and staying busy as usual. We both got to travel to California and Knoxville this fall and it was great to get a break and enjoy the conferences we went to.
Our house has been at a standstill on the add-on for almost 10 months. But yay God! We are hoping that in 2-3 weeks we will get the construction going again and get it completed! Everyone will be so glad to spread out a little more.
Well, I have saved the best news for last.
After much prayer ( for a very long time) we have made the decision to move to Redding, California. Duane has resigned from his practice and so we will be selling almost all that we have and will be moving June 2011 to California. We don't understand all the reasons why God is sending us there, but we are certain that He is sending us there for further preparation for what He has in store for us in the future. We, at this time think it is a temporary move but are uncertain of how many years it will be. We would appreciate your prayers as we prepare for this great journey. We sort of feel like Abraham who packed up what he had and watched God for where to go and what to do :). Thankfully for us we have doggie shippers and won't have to drag our animals in a car with us! We will be driving all the way there and know this will be a great adventure! The kids are excited about this new page to our story as well as we are. We are expecting God to do great and mighty things in our lives.
Many blessings and love,
Melissa and Duane Carter

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