Sunday, April 12, 2009

Koki comes to stay with us for Spring Break!

Koki, a Japanese student at our local university came to stay with us over spring break. He has stayed with us in the past and we all enjoyed having him.
He just loved him to death and all the other kids kept him going with their joking around and talking. I was afraid we might be too much for him but he seemed to enjoy himself a lot. He stayed with us then on the day he left we had the African Children's Choir guest coming that night. So our house was quite busy for 12 days.

Eli was pretty much glued to Koki's side the whole 9 days he was with us.
Graham and Koki

Graham taught Koki how to shoot squirrels with BB guns. Here they are hanging out in the back yard by the Tree house waiting to spot some. Poor Little Squirreleys! Thank goodness they were bad shots!
Ben and Koki
Maggie and Eli sitting beside the the gifts that Koki brought us. There were Japanese papers, Japanese silk cloths, Japanese paper for shelves. Some things from WashingtonD.C. and San Francisco.

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