Sunday, March 8, 2009

Signs given by God as Reminders of Hope

March 1, 2009
Remember how in several posts back I had asked God for a sign to just give me hope to keep hanging on to the belief that my kids would be released to come home?
Well, he not only gave me one sign but several to let me know that He was in control and that I could still hope in those things that I was not seeing.
The most important sign, I can't explain about here as it is more of a personal matter but there were a couple of others that came my way and I knew it was God.
#1- Personal

#2 - One morning I got up to find snow on the ground, about 3/4 inch. We rarely get snow and looking out my back window brought me a beautiful view.
I was praying, thanking God for the beauty and looked down towards my diving board and there someone had already slipped out in the early morning and wrote FAITH on the diving board two times. Later, When I questioned my kids later on who had done it, and what made them write the word, Seora simply said, "Well, I like the word, because it means to Believe." WOW!!!! Was all I could think. Thanks God.

#3- The other was a card that I received from my friend that read,

#4 - I felt in my spirit, that God was telling me to go online and look up the Ugandan Constitution and lo and behold I found some legislature that could possibly help us regarding the citizenship of Allenni and Andrew. It may help us prove that they are indeed Ugandan citizens as the judge decreed.
#5 We received an email telling us that Isaiah's passport could possibly be ready by Wednesday of next week.

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