Friday, March 27, 2009

Africa is Silent, but God is Not

Just an update to let you know what is going on with Africa. NOTHING. That is ... as far as the human eye can see. Now, My spiritual eyes see passports and wait in hope.
I will admit, waiting is hard, hard, hard. I don't like it, and it really stinks. One thing I have learned for sure is
perseverance. I think I have it down pat. LOL. So... time for passports!
Seriously, I don't understand the holdup. it makes no sense to me whatsoever. Now, I have my theories but they are just speculations why these are being held up when I see so many others come home from Uganda.

I honestly do not believe God is holding up these passports for "His Perfect Timing" because EVERYTHING about God is good. He doesn't keep orphans from their home and family. The separation is not good for either one of us.
He has declared in His Word that He has put orphans in families. That he wants the orphans to be taken care of.... He has matched us as a family and therefore His plan is in place. His goodness is working. BUT... The enemy is fighting God and His plan. He is the one holding this up. I know God is fighting for us because it tells me in Romans 8:
"If God is for us, who can be against us? " That tells me there is victory in the end! God then takes Satan plans and uses them for more good and grows us and draws us closer to Him.
So, I guess I am sort of preaching to myself this morning to remind me that God is Good and His mercy and Love endure forever!


junglemama said...

Amen! Hang in there!

Middle-Aged Moi said...

Oh, sweetie, HUGS TO YOU! I love the faith you have in God, you are an encouragement to us all. And I hope that we can be an encouragement to you in your times of frustration. I will pray for you!

Unknown said...

Thank you Janet and Christine! I love you my blogging friends!

Sherri said...

I agree with you that the enemy is the cause of this hold up. It was very evident when you were in Uganda that he was doing all he could to thwart your plans.

I saw a quote the other day that said to try to live each day in such a way that as soon as your feet touch the floor in the morning, Satan says "oh crap! She's up again!"

I received the beautiful prints and tote bag. Thank you so much! I am praying for your family to be together soon!


Unknown said...

Oh, good, so glad you got them! Thanks so much for your prayer.

Unknown said...

Hey, how do you get your blog to say X great people said?

Your faith level is amazing. God loves that about you and it honors Him. You're amazingly awesome. Love you!


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