Monday, August 25, 2008

1st Day of School!- Somebody Rescue Me!

Well, "Orientation" did not go as well as planned today but we made it through. We got up and got going. I was pretty amazed that the kids were on time this morning. (They had to be ready in the living room and ready to go by 8:30am) Some of them had even started on their chores so as not to have so much after school. WOW!!!!!
We had prayer and then we had ...... uhm, well,... uhh..... stress.
We got through what was going to happen, the allotting of desks and handing out of school supplies and fixing of files, explanation of subjects and classes and then we had no computers that worked properly. After finally getting Eli quieted down because he WANTED TO DO SCHOOL!!!,
I got him hooked up with a computer, but when I put the clifford CD in, the computer crashed and I I had no idea how to do Computer CPR!!!!!
So one computer down.
I finally got the program to work on the other windows laptop, so he became preoccupied and happy.
So, second computer out of commission.
After trying and trying to fix the crashed one, I gave up and told the kids we had to go back over to the house to continue.
I go to pull up the curriculum on the only Windows computer working to show the kids what they will be doing for the year and well, the curriculum is not installed. My sweet husband only installed the installer.
So..... then we went to plan B. Online Placement tests. But for some unknown reason I am rejected as the user mom and have to set up individual accounts for each of the kids under my name. That took some time.
Then for two hours the kids got assessed( I had no idea it would take that long.) Some of them moaned and groaned of why this had to be done and "couldn't they just stop and go on with the rest of their life? This was crazy. I hate Math!!!!! " unfortunately, he got a piece of my mind about laziness and complaining. I was running back and forth from all computers answering and clarifying questions, until one computer refused stay online any longer. Somehow the WIFI card got turned off. Got that fixed after hubby came home.
Then at 4pm, I called it quits for everyone!!! By 7pm, I finally got tall the curriculum downloaded into the computers
I have to admit, For the most part I am proud of the kids patience. They did great. So for the first day of school, It was tiring and sort of long but turned out ok.


Lora @ my blessed life said...

Glad you survived *orientation*:) We start next week and I'm a little nervous-ha!

Michelle Riggs said...

Oh first days. Ours was interesting too.

Still praying for your adoptions. We ould appreciate it if you would pray for our Abby.


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