Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Update on Allenni and Andrew

Update on Allenni and Andrew

NOV. 27,2007
Well, As for an update on Allana and Andrew, there is not much to tell. We are STILL waiting on our documents from immigration to allow us to bring them back to the US. I contacted the ATL office to see why we had not heard anything and they at first couldn't find anything about us. So I was emailing back and forth until we finally got something straightened out. Or so I hope. As it turns out, Our fingerprints were either displaced or someone didn't forward them from B'ham to ATL and for over a month, they sat in limbo as did our paperwork.

I was a little frustrated at first but God reminded me that He is in control and His timing is perfect.
So we wait again and hope we get a good Christmas present and receive that golden ticket as we prefer to call it.

We haven't heard anything from Africa about the couple who traveled to go get Michael. Please continue to keep them in your prayers. If all went well, they were supposed to come home on Nov. 19.

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