We spent ours at Edisto State Park, shelling, Bike riding and picnicking.

Allenni loves the camera

Well, Since we could not get all the bikes in the van, Eli and I rode in the van with our bikes so we could get ice and decided to meet the others at the park. uh oh, It was a longer way than we had thought so where as it only took Eli and I about 10 minutes, the others drove about 30 minutes! They were tired! and complaining!

Maggie and Ben found a chair to rest in

Graham found Isaiah's trailer to rest in which made Isaiah furious

A crab we found on the beach

Shell seekers

Nathaniel at Jeremy's Inlet. We walked 2 miles to get there. We had to get there when the tide was out, cross over, look for shells for a while and leave before the tide came back in or we would be stuck.

The boys found some clay flats and decided to make clay balls

Eli likes the mud clay he found

Maggie didnt want to walk in the Inlet to get back over to the beach so she piggy backed on Seora!

Isaiah got the idea from Maggie and begged Seora to carry him! Hmmmm! maybe I should have tried! Isaiah fell asleep on her back.

Yeah!! we made it back with some great shells and had hot dogs for lunch!

Eli took the bag of watermelon and finished it off

Duane and I

You can't see it well, but there is a cool bird on the clam shells
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